Spirometry Test

Spirometry Test Near Me

Patient completing a spirometry test
Spirometry equipment

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What is a spirometry test?

Spirometry is a simple and effective screening test used to measure lung function and when combined with clinical assessment is used as an early diagnostic tool to evaluate dysfunction and to evaluate symptoms. It plays a crucial role in identifying and monitoring respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other lung disorders. By assessing the volume and speed of air an individual can inhale and exhale, spirometry provides valuable insights into lung health, aiding in early detection, treatment, and workplace health assessments.

Do you need a pre-employment medical lung function test?

Often employers require a baseline lung function test before an individual starts working in environments with potential respiratory hazards (e.g. mining, construction or industrial settings). This test evaluates whether the person’s lung capacity meets the requirements for specific job roles or environments with exposure to dust, fumes, or chemicals. Book an appointment today with a qualified Spirometry Technician.

Why do I need a spirometry test?

This test is especially important for industries where workers may be exposed to respiratory hazards, ensuring compliance with workplace health and safety standards. Spirometry is quick, non-invasive, and provides immediate results, making it an essential tool for safeguarding respiratory health in various environments.

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Church Street Richmond
Training room for Respiratory Training

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