Training Organisations

Training Organisations

Respiratory Protection for Training Organisations

Colleges, universities, TAFEs, and other educational institutions offering courses to students in medical, dental, and other healthcare placements must ensure the safety of their students by providing proper respiratory protection equipment.

​“A fit-test validates whether a respirator has the potential to provide an adequate fit. Kind of like the reason you try on a pair of shoes before you buy them – not all size 8 shoes will fit the same sized 8 foot (alas!). Respirator styles vary greatly also, and they don’t fit every face shape. I find that generally people want to do the right thing to protect themselves, which is why a key part of fit-testing is the training and instruction that goes along with it.”- Kate Cole.

Student Nurse

Healthcare in the community

Student on placement

Aged Care Worker

Risks and Hazards

Students on placements may encounter:

  • Biological Agents: Such as bacteria and viruses in medical and dental settings.
  • Chemical Exposure: From various disinfectants and other substances used in healthcare environments.
  • Aerosol-Generating Procedures: Especially in dental clinics and some medical procedures.

Importance of Respiratory Protection

Proper use of respiratory protection equipment (RPE) is critical to prevent inhalation of harmful substances and protect against respiratory infections. Incorrectly fitted respirators can result in exposure, leading to serious health issues.

Ensuring Correct Fit

A correctly fitted respirator is essential for effective protection. Fit-testing ensures the respirator forms a proper seal around the face, preventing contaminants from being inhaled. Regular fit-testing and training on the use of RPE are necessary to maintain safety and compliance with health regulations.

Steps for Training Organisations

Provide Appropriate RPE: Ensure students have access to the correct type of respirators for their placements.

Regular Fit-Testing: Conduct fit-tests for all students to ensure proper fit and seal of the respirators.

Training and Education: Educate students on the importance of RPE and proper usage techniques.

Steps for Students

Wear RPE Correctly: Always wear your respirator as instructed and ensure a proper fit.

Report Issues: Notify your supervisor or instructor if your respirator is damaged or does not fit properly.

Participate in Training: Engage in regular training sessions to stay informed about best practices for respiratory protection.

Ensuring the correct fit of respiratory protection equipment is crucial for students on placements in healthcare settings. Training organisations and students must work together to maintain a safe environment through proper use and regular fit-testing of RPE.

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