Frequently Asked Questions

The Mask Fit Testing Blog offers tips, guides, and updates from the experts on fit testing and respiratory protection in the workplace.

What is a respiratory protection program?

A respiratory protection program needs to be established by any organisation that requires their workers to wear respiratory protection equipment. They will need to designate an appropriate person to manage the program.

There are a number of things to consider when selecting the correct selection of RPE. You should consider using a suitably qualified person to advise you. Contact us for more information.

About 20 minutes, however, it will depend on how much experience the wearer has on using their equipment. Some workers will need additional training to assist them on how to donn and doff their respirator correctly.

There is no one answer as each workplace will have different levels of contaminants. However, there are several signs to look out for: Breathing can become restricted through the mask. Some respirators will let you know that the filter is full by an alarm light on the respirator. 

No don’t eat, drink, smoke or vape at least 30 minutes prior to a fit test as this may interfere with the test results.

At least annually or when it is your first respirator or if you change the size, make, model of style of your respirator. Other factors may also affect the fit such as weight gain or loss.

At the start of their employment and during regular intervals. The amount of training depends on the type of organisation and the degree of the hazard.

It only takes a small amount of facial hair or stubble to have an impact on the seal of the respirator with the contact of your face. Facial hair will impact on the fit test results if it is between the seal of the respirator and your face.

It is important to wear any PPE that you would normally wear with your respirator to a fit test. This will determine if it impacts on the seal of the respirator or if the PPE cannot be worn due to discomfort. Alternative, masks or solutions can be found to remedy this. Contact us for further advise.

Make sure it is stored in an area away from the contamination. This could be in a sealed container with your name on it. Do not expose your respirator to excessive light or heat as this could damage the integrity of the respirator. Always check it for damage before donning it.

Makeup including creams can affect the seal of the respirator. It is advisable not to wear makeup or creams to prevent it affecting the seal.

Speak with your employer. A medical assessment should be provided to ascertain if you can wear a respirator.